عن الكلية
نشات الكلية بقرار مجلس الجامعة عام 2000م بفصل برنامج الأشعة من كلية العلوم الطبية واصبحت كلية الأشعة والتصوير الطبي
الكلية الرائدة معرفياً لدعم مقومات النهضة الوطنية بمنظور عالمي
- To familiarize the students with scientific information including advances in radiography specially the various techniques in medical imaging.
- To give academic training and practical experiences in the operational skills of various equipment used in radiological investigations and medical imaging in general.
- To prepare students to understand, undertake and / or modify diagnostic examination in radiography in the light of patient signs and symptoms or clinical state, as well as the specific technical facilities offered by equipment.
- To familiarize the students with health-team concepts in medicine.
- To motivate students for graduate work in radiological sciences and medical imaging by providing them with in-depth academic and practical experiences as well as by encouraging self learning and research during the under-graduate period.
To familiarize students with the organizational structure and administration of radiology department.
The message of the Faculty of Radiological Sciences & Medical Imaging is to give the students professional competence in radiographic clinical practice skills involving all modalities in diagnostic medical imaging technology. The professional skills are well built upon a broadened based academic knowledge and experience in the sciences of medical imaging which precede and are later integrated with the clinical experiences.